Martial Arts is one of the most effective ways to gain self-confidence while building a fit, strong and healthy body
It is better to find a suitable school close by where you can attend a trial class and then find out days and times that would best fit into your daily schedule without affecting your child’s homework and other commitments. We offer one or two free classes to help you decide. Martial arts’ training is a great way to gain discipline and respect as well as building character and developing a positive attitude to life.

What do I need to know for my first night?

Wear something comfortable that you can exercise in such as tracksuit pants or shorts and a t-shirt. Students train in bare feet unless they need to wear appropriate footwear.

Bring a water bottle (you should have drunk at least 2 glasses of water during the afternoon on the day of training).

Talk to the class Instructor as they will be keen to meet you and find out more about your expectations and experience.

Martial arts develops individual skills and strengths, both physical and mental, to help students reach their full potential in a safe and friendly environment.
There are several ways you can get started :